–Deacon + Natti (Represent protagonist in first and third person mostly) – Lost soul who is trying to find The Light with friends involved in crime, etc. This main character is followed through love, lust, birth of a mixed race child and resolution of internal and external conflicts over the course of APOS’ 16 tracks.
–Tonedeff (Static Antagonist/Minor Antagonist next to “hate/sin”, representative of “hate/sin”)- Racist firefighter, father of protagonist’s love interest, grandfather of mixed race child. His wife was of mixed race, came to resent this after her death. Songs such as “Caved In” contain clues to why/how she died. Solemn, presented to St. Peter in his younger days/most pure point of adult life. One will notice Tonedeff’s approach to “The Gates” from a delivery standpoint has him speaking in an almost whispering tone, reflecting a being/soul that is freshly faced with being (possibly) deceased. As his conversation with St. Peter (Deacon) reaches a denouement, the character’s frustration builds and his true colors are shown. The result is damnation.
–Immortal Technique – Tone’s character or subconscious immediately prior to death/death personification. Proud, hard headed, hateful.
–Mary Jane – Weed in general, but represents temptation away from love interest or shared temptation for both parties.
3/4 main characters represented by skulls on cover in a non-literal way…see: Vanitas – “Latin for vanity, refers to a type of still life consisting of a collection of objects that symbolize the brevity of human life and the transience of earthly pleasures and achievements (e.g., a human skull, a mirror, and broken pottery).”
– (All commentary by Kno)